A new Google Magenta project (created by an intern!) Allows you to mix low-fi and hip-hop music tracks to create a custom music room. in your browser. It’s a shared space” where people can live together in the same music room. It uses neural networks to create and learn new sounds.
There’s a new Google Magenta project that lets you create your own virtual music room powered by machine learning with lo-fi hip-hop tracks. It’s called the “Lo-Fi Player” and it was created by Vibert Thio, a Google Magenta intern with the help of researcher Douglas Eck
Create Your Own Lo-Fi Music Room
Now, once you start interacting with the objects in the room, you can tweak the settings to add them to your looping track. And once you turn on the sound of an instrument, the player uses a machine-learning algorithm to create the perfect tune to match the track that is playing.
After you finish setting up your room and your own customized music. You can even share your room with your friends and family. Now, the “Lo-Fi Player” is the creation of a summer intern, Vibert Thio, working on Google’s Magenta project. The Mountain View-based company started this project to experiment with the use of artificial intelligence to create music and art.
“We want to show that something as simple as applying MusicVAE to short melodies can produce pleasing results when done in a creative, fun context. We also tried to design the experience to demonstrate that making new music doesn’t necessarily require expertise,” Thio and Eck said in a blog post.
What’s more? The Lo-Fi Player can be accessed on YouTube as well. You can play around with the virtual room here too but for that, you’ll have to type commands in the live chatbox. This Google Magenta project is open to developers as well and the source code is available on GitHub. Theo says that the team also produced a tutorial “Play Magenta.”
When you open the low-fi player, you will be taken to the pixelated virtual “room” where you click on different objects – a clock, cat, or piano, for example – line and melody in the room to change different tracks like bass. “The view outside the window is related to the background sound on the track, and you can change the scene and music by clicking on the window,” said the creator of the low-fi player.