As per information delivered by National Centre for Seismology(NCS), the light force earthquake struck at a profundity of five kilometers in Palghar locale, closer to Maharashtra’s state border with Gujarat.
“Earthquake of Magnitude: 2.7, Occurred on 05-09-2020, 06:36:31 IST, Lat: 19.96 & Long: 72.83, Depth: 5 Km, Location: 98km N of Mumbai, Maharashtra,” NCS tweeted.
The first earthquake of 3.5 magnitudes is at 3.29 am. The second quake of magnitude 3.5 has been recording at 3.57 am. The third quake of magnitude 3.6 is at 7.06 am. The focal point of the quake was Dhundalwadi town in Dahanu.
About Eight low-force earthquakes
Eight low-force earthquakes in the range of 2.2 to 3.6 magnitude were recorded in Palghar. After four hours early on Friday, authorities said.
Villagers of Dahanu town in the Palghar region were waking up by rehashed low-force quakes on Friday morning. The quakes have been felt in the Dahanu and Talasari tehsils of the area. There are no death toll accounting up until now, they are saying.
“An earthquake of 3.5 magnitudes has been recording at 3.29 am, which is railing by 3.5 and 3.6 magnitude shakes at 3.57 am and 7.6 am individual,” head of the District Disaster Control Cell Vivekanand Kadam says.
About the statement of Dahanu Sub Divisional Officer
Dahanu Sub Divisional Officer Ashima Mittal is stating, “Other than these three earthquakes, which are above 3.0 magnitude, five others have been experiencing between 3 am and 7 am.
Their extent has been in the range of 2.2 to 2.8.” Kadam says the nearby tehsildars has been telling to do an examination of the villages.
These two tehsils have been encountering low-power earthquakes throughout the most recent couple of days. During the interceding evening of Friday and Saturday a week ago. Four such earthquakes had been recorded. One of them was of 4.0 magnitude, authorities said.
About the measures taken
Mittal said that considering the arrangement of quakes understanding of late, enormous tents have been set up on open grounds in the villages of these two tehsils. So that neighborhood inhabitants can move in there on the off chance that they feel hazardous in their homes.
Following the most recent week’s quakes, walls of certain houses in Dahanu and Talasari had fell. While some of them have damaged.
As indicated by Mittal, calamity coordination boards have been shaped at the village level. The common safeguard staff has been approached to stay arranged for help.
“Mock drills are going on in the village to make individuals aware of the rules and regulations,” she says. Then, the region specialists delivered a sound message, asking the locals in Dahanu district to stay ready as they live in “quake inclined” region.
Palghar’s Dahanu region has been encountering such quakes since November 2018. The greater part of them is based on Dundalwadi town.