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30 thousand people have filed petition to renew the series Imposters Season 3. Confirmed? What is really happening ?

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What will be the release date of Imposter season 3? Why imposters season 3 was canceled? what will be the storyline of imposters season 3? Let us try to find the answers to all these questions about imposters season 3 in this article.

But, before starting our research about imposters season 3, we should know some facts and details about its previous seasons. 

About the previous seasons of Imposters season 3

imposters season 3

The American Dark comedy-drama Imposters was created by Adam Brooks and Paul Adelstein. The series Imposters has 10 episodes in the first season and another ten episodes in the second season of Imposters. 

The streaming partner for the series Imposters is the Bravo Cable Network. The first episode of imposter season one premiered on the 7th of February, in 2017 on the Bravo Cable Network. But, after 2 seasons, Bravo canceled the renewal of Imposters season 3. The cancellation of Imposters season 3 was officially announced on the 1st of June, in 2018.

Do you have the idea of watching the trailer of Imposters? If, in case yes, Just use the below-given link.

Imposters Official Trailer : 

The story goes like this: A career con artist, Maddie Jonson will be working together with Max and Sally for a mysterious and dangerous personality called “ The Doctor”. They will be having a wide-ranged network of people, that will be working in multiple cities. The roles of Max, Maddie Jonson, and Sally were played by Brian Benden, Inbar Lavi, and Katherine LaNasa respectively. 

They will be having a set of protocols to do after selecting a target. Their protocol goes like this: Maddie will be trying to make her targets ( both Male and Female) fall in love with her. We can conclude that they have mastered this field with their actions and planning.

imposters season 3

While Maddie is trying to seduce her targets, the other two, Max and Sally will be helping Maddie in the background. After succeeding in her plan, Maddie and her target will start to live under the same roof as a couple. The plan is to steal all the valuable things that the target has and run away as soon as possible after the marriage of Maddie and her target. 

After a few episodes, we come to know that Maddie has played in three different peoples’ lives, they are Ezra Bloom, who will be the latest victim of their con, Richard Evans, one of the previous targets of Maddie and Jules Langmore, an artist who has married Maddie and Lost a lot of money to her.

imposters season 3

 At first, Ezra Bloom will visit Richard Evans. After that visit, they both will be visiting Jules Langmore, and all these will be teaming up to look for the talented con artist, Maddie. The team of Ezra, Richard, and Jules will be getting the help of an undercover FBI agent, Patrick Campbell in finding Maddie and her fellow friends who are all helping in the background for her. 

Feeling bored of reading kinds of stuff about Imposters season 3, Take a break and the article given below.

Skylanders Academy Season 4: Release Date Confirmed? Premiere Date, Cast, Recap, Updates 2021

What’s wrong with the release of Imposters season 3 ? Why did the Broadcasting Company of Imposters, Bravo cancel Imposters season 3?

imposters season 3


Though the Broadcasting partner of imposters has given an official statement about the cancellation of the series, Imposters after 2 seasons, things are happening which gives hope for the fandom that Imposters season 3 will happen for sure. 

But, there is no specific reason behind the cancellation of Imposters season 3. The team o Imposters created a storyline that lasted for a length of 20 episodes. But, we and the team of Imposters, and all know the fact that there are still rooms to develop the story of imposters to extend for a new set of episodes, Imposters season 3. 

Are you interested to watch the whole series of Imposters? Use the below-given link to watch both the seasons of Imposters.

Imposters season 1 – Amazon Prime Video

Imposters season 2 – Amazon Prime Video

Nearly 30 thousand people have made an online petition stating that ” Make imposters a Netflix original series “. If Netflix does renew Imposters, it will be a great opportunity for Netflix to gain viewers in large numbers, as Imposters is one of the famous and most-watched series on Netflix.

After the release of Imposters season 1, the series gained an additional 23 percent of adult viewership in the first half of the Imposters season one, and the graph this percentage was actually increasing at some points and remained the same at some times also. 

imposters season 3


Thus, it will be like a treat if Netflix renews Imposters season 3, both for the viewers, especially the fandom of Imposters and it will be the perfect opportunity for Netflix to attract the viewers in thousands.

But, we all, deep down know the truth that Imposters season 3 cannot happen this year, as the pandemic caused by Covid-19 is continuing in most parts of the globe, thus, it will be difficult for the team of Imposters to begin the shooting of Imposters seasons 3 in this year. Hence, we have to wait patiently for the release of Imposters season 3. 

 Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will Netflix pick up imposters Season 3?

Despite a loyal fanbase and viewership, Bravo has decided to discontinue Imposters for Season 3Netflix has a unique opportunity to pick up this show! Most fans stream the show anyway, so this would only serve to increase Netflix’s position in the media industry. We want to see how the story unfolds.
To know more about the first question, refer to the article given below.

Petition · Pick Up ‘Imposters’ Season 3 and Release as a Netflix Original Series

2. Is Max the doctor imposters?

Stephen Bishop as Patrick Campbell, an undercover FBI agent who becomes entangled with Maddie. Brian Benben is Max, Maddie’s co-worker who is in charge of the technicalities of conning lovers. Ray Proscia as Jeffrey Hull/The Doctor, the mysterious dangerous man in charge of the game.
 To know more about the second question, refer to the article given below.

Imposters (TV series) – Wikipedia

3. What happened to Max on imposters?

In this exclusive sneak peek of Thursday’s series finale, The Doctor (Ray Proscia) calls a video meeting with the Bumblers, Max (Brian Benben), and Sally (Katherine LaNasa). … And that’s when Sally shows her true colors… maybe. She turns on her former lover and shoots Max six times in the chest.
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