How old is Larray is only a legit question when you know who Larri Merritt is!
Well, it seems unlikely. Still.
Larri Merritt or as we know him “Larray” is a young YouTube celebrity hailing from California, US. Larray stuck with his stage name ever since he started getting recognized on the YT. For all of those who are yet to get acquainted with this American comic content creator, here’s a little info.
Initially, Larray was just an insecure kid who cared too much about what people think about him, gradually he found his voice and confidence through social media. He gained popularity through Vine, a short video-sharing platform. However, Vine’s run was short-lived and Larray had to shift to other platforms such as now known as TikTok, and YouTube.
He had joined a collaborative YouTube channel known as 2BusyOnline along with two others who go by Hails and Lissette. Later this channel was seen inactive.
Again Larray solidified his place in the social media game as he currently holds a big fam of 8.47 million subscribers on Youtube and close to 25 million followers on Tiktok. He has a definite fan base, who follow his comical videos dedicatedly.
Now the question that made you click right through?
How old is Larray?
How old exactly is this American Youtuber?
According to various sources all over the internet, this Previous Hype House star, Larray was born on July 22, 1998, making him 23 years old. This also means his zodiac sign is Cancer.
The above data can be held since Cancerians tend to show a goofy, ingratiating sense of humor.
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All the other deets on him
Larray, the Musician
It has been noticed that the people who have made their name known to every household are not stopping on this feat. Just like his fellow Tiktok stars, Larray has also made a transition from creating content to using the creative energy to provide the fans with Music.
The first song the 23-year-old released was called “First Place”.
He has had three novelty songs first being the single “First Place,” the other two that followed were “Last Place” and “Canceled”. All the songs put together spent a near about 42 weeks on Billboard‘s Comedy Digital Tracks chart. His first song music video on Youtube holds close to 50 million view counts on Youtube and was ranked at number 13 on the 2018 year-end chart.
The 23-year-old is from Los Angeles, California where he was born at the Kaiser Hospital. Although he hardly discloses anything about his family and dear ones, we do get a piece of it through his tweets which contain his mother’s sayings. Also, we do know that he has 13 siblings. Yes, 13! And that’s a lot but who are we to judge. Nothing much about his siblings has been out in the open seems like a lot of them are ranging from different sides, be it his mother and father.
Love Life
Around April 2019, he started dating another one from the YouTube fraternity that is Brady Potter. They shared a long-term relationship and were also seen celebrating their anniversaries publicly. However, they later broke up around September 2021. They announced their split via Twitter and he urged his fans to respect their decision and to be kind.
This is what his tweet read: “Me and Brady aren’t together. Please respect our discussion & let us figure things out. Hate is the last thing he deserves, please be kind.”
Can he be possibly dating James Charles? Is this rumored relationship any real?
Rumors have been around for a while now that Larray and James Charles could be dating. They both have been seen taking an active part in the ‘Couples Only Challenge’ which was posted on TikTok, the video had them answering some answers to some spicy questions about their alleged relationship. I love you’s were shared between them making the whole conversation adorable. However, we may be reading too much into this because the probability of it being a mere promotion for Larray’s Girlies merch is high.
His net worth
According to sources over the web, this Hype House star’s worth ranges between 1million to 5 million.
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The Hype House and Larray’s association to it
The impact of platforms like YouTube and TikTok is undeniable, and the latter has proven to give a jump start to a lot of teenagers around the globe. The biggest example of creators that made it into the big league includes Cameron Dallas, Jake Paul, JoJo Siwa, Charli D’Amelio, and Addison Rae. The amount of attention the app managed to gain for these teenagers is unparalleled and never seen like before.
Seeing the surge in likes and reciprocation towards the content that consisted of two or more TikTokers or some sort of collaboration formed between these stars led to The Hype House.
Hype House is a collective of all such Tiktok personalities who pull or tend to pull attention towards them.
Larray’s addition to the Hype House was justified given both his following on YouTube and Tiktok. He also has a massive following on the platform, Roblox where he posted both vlogs and gaming content. However, he somewhat was an underrated star comparatively, out of all the members of the Hype House.
His addition to the collective however cannot be questioned.
Future Endeavors
A big announcement was made that the 23-year-old would possibly star in a movie where he would play the role of a time traveler who travels back to the year 1992. He has been signed to the talent agency A3 Artists Agency. Any news regarding the movie is yet to come.
This year he was also seen hosting the Streamy Awards.
So, now you know who Larray a.k.a Larri Merritt is! How old is Larray? What does he do? What Hype House is!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Larray real name?
His name is actually Larri Merritt. In an interview with Awesomeness TV, the YouTuber said that he got the name because he used to run a Miley Cyrus fan account. Since her name is Miley Ray Cyrus, he called himself Larray (Lar-Ray) Cyrus.
How Old is Larray?
He is 23 year old.
Is Larray single 2021?