Flash flooding severely damaged roads and homes in the Ripley area of Jackson County Thursday night, sources say. Area first responders have reported closed streets including Clay Lick, Walters Run, and Sheriff’s Drive. NewsChannel 3 reporter Brendan Tierney was live at the scene late Thursday evening with reports that as much as 4 to 5 feet of water covered those roadways earlier; it has since receded but caused damage to some roadway surfaces. “A number” of cars were also rescued from rising water levels near flooded areas last evening – no injuries are known so far though this event is still developing quickly…
Ripley’s Fire Chief Rick Gobble said multiple people were rescued from a vehicle located off Clay Lick Road, near the Department of Highways building. Residents in Ripley and surrounding towns endured an anxious night as their homes flooded due to heavy rains Thursday evening that caused a Flash Flood Warning to be issued by officials at 10:00 p.m., with many required rescues being performed during this time period for those who were trapped inside vehicles stuck on roadways or unable to get out of houses caught under water before they quickly began filling up.
The church looked like it was hit by a bomb. The storm drains were all plugged and the floodwaters had inundated this neighborhood, too.” “Storms can be so tricky,” said Pastor Tierney as he surveyed the damage at Ripley Pentecostal Church in New Jersey on Wednesday night. As the rain continued to pour from an overcast sky into his front yard, water spilled out of gutters that could no longer handle the deluge while garbage floated along with debris down nearby streets which seemed eerily deserted for some reason or another.
The water level on Church Street quickly subsided after the debris was removed from its drains. A thin layer of mud remained, despite firefighters’ best efforts to clean it up with a hose at 11 pm last night.
“It’s like ice skating out there,” Ripley Police Chief Bradley Anderson said.
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