At least 19 people are missing after an unfortunate mudslide swept away rows of houses in Atami, Japan.
A mudslide of unknown origin swept away rows of houses in Atami, west Tokyo. As a result, at least 19 people are missing and many more may be injured or killed as rescue efforts continue to look for survivors.
The mudslide in Izusan was a prefectural disaster, and it is still unclear how many people have been killed. Japan’s rescue workers are looking for survivors trapped by the rapidly flowing water that has turned this place into an uninhabitable wasteland of trees and trails covered with rocks from landslides caused by torrential rainstorms.
This prefectural disaster management official declared that rescue workers are searching for at least 19 people, adding the mudslide that occurred in an area called Izusan.
Might this be due to some of those who evacuated from the zone? Though Mr. Sugiyama said no further details were known about them yet, it’s a relief they’re safe somewhere on higher ground!
Japan has been enduring a week-long torrential downpour. Houses were swept away by raging rivers and mudslides, all while neighbors watched helplessly from afar in horror. Others recorded the destruction on their phones to share with friends as it unfolded before them.
Defence forces will join firefighters and police in the rescue operation for those who are not able to evacuate, according to Mr. Sugiyama.
Defence Forces including emergency services like firefighters and policemen have been mobilized as a result of the natural disaster that struck Japan today. Evacuation warnings were issued by authorities which includes wide areas according to officials from Tokyo Electric Company (TEPCO).
The quaint seaside resort area of Atami, 60 miles southwest of Tokyo and known for its hot springs and famous shrine, was hit by a mudslide after heavy rains. The NHK TV footage later showed that part of the bridge had collapsed during this natural disaster.
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