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How to Make a T‐Shirt on Roblox | The way to customize your own little avatar.

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There is hardly any gaming experience such as Roblox.

Now you say what is Roblox?

Roblox characters

An online gaming platform where you can pose as customizable characters which are called Avatars.

While the Players of the game are represented as Avatars, there is a lot of customization that can happen with these avatars. One can purchase clothing and accessories from Avatar shop, or better make one yourself.

And this happens to almost every new player that the first thing they may be wanting to do or come looking for is how to make a shirt. This world of game creation can get easily weary and too much because there are so many things to do.

So, the best step is to go basic instead of just being a spectator to other people’s games.

Here, are a few ways you can do so!


Part 1 of 2:

Designing a T-Shirt Decal

  1. Open an image editor.

    There is no set image editor that you should use, if you are comfortable with MS Paint you can still design the T-shirt. Some other image editors that you can use to design a decal for a T-shirt in Roblox are PhotoshopGIMP.

  2. Create a new file.

    The first step in any of these editors ( Photoshop, GIMP, or Paint) is to create a file that can be done as follows.

  • Click File in the upper-right corner.
  • Click New.
  1. Set the image dimensions to 128 x 128 pixels (the recommended image size for Roblox T-shirt decals).

Under the drop-down menu, select “Pixels” or “px” next to “Height” and “Width”, and then type 128 in the boxes next to “Height” and “Width”, this will set dimensions accordingly.

  • To resize the image in MS Paint, find the “Image” panel at the top and click Resize. You’ll find a radio button next to “Pixels” click on it. Then type 128 next “Horizontal” and “Vertical” after unchecking the “Maintain aspect ratio” box.

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4 . Design the T-shirt decal.

There are endless possible ways to get creative for your T-shirt decal. There are different program tools such as Paint Bucket which can be used to fill color in the background, text tool for adding text, brush tool to draw or to add texture. Or something like a marquee tool that can be used to add an image or pattern from another image onto your T-shirt.Roblox shirt design

5 . Save the file. It is good practice to always save the image in the native format irrespective of the platform you are using, so you can come back and edit it later if needed Following are the steps to save an image in its native format.

  • Click File.
  • Click Save as.
  • In the column for “Filename” or “Name” type a name for the file.
  • Click Save.


Part 2 of 2:

Designing a Shirt From a Template

  1. Go to https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/articles/How-to-Make-Shirts-and-Pants-for-Roblox-Charactersin a web browser.

    The templates for shirts and pants for Roblox avatars are available on the website.

  • Note: A Roblox subscription is a must-have to upload a shirt design to Roblox.
  1. Download the template for the shirt.

    The image labeled “Torso + Arms” on the left side of the page is the shirt template. Download the template by using the following steps.T-shirt on Roblox

  • Right-click the image.
  • Click Save image as
  • Click Save.
  1. Open the template in an image editor.

    A free alternative to Photoshop or similar tools (a professional image editor) is recommended, best examples are Photoshop or GIMP. Here are the steps to open the image in Photoshop or GIMP.

  • Press “Windows Key+ E” to open File Explorer on Windows, or to open the Finder on Mac.
  • Navigate to the “Template-Shirts-R15_04202017.png” image file.
  • Right-click the file and select Open With.
  • Click Adobe Photoshop or GNU Image Manipulation Program.

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  1. Add a new layer to the image.

    A new layer is where you design the shirt. The Layers panel is present in the lower-right corner for both Photoshop and GIMP. Clicking the icon that resembles a blank sheet of paper below the Layers panel will add a new layer.

  • Sometimes it may happen that you can’t see the Layers panel in Photoshop, so in such case click Windows in the menu bar at the top, and then click Layers.
  1. Color the shirt using the template.

    There are three parts in a shirt template in Roblox, the torso, the right, and the left arms. The fronts are color-coded in red. The backs are color-coded in blue. The lefts are color-coded in yellow and the rights are color-coded in green. The tops are color-coded in light blue, and the bottoms are color-coded in orange.

Both Photoshop and GIMP, have the rectangle marquee tool that can be used to select the area you want to color and then use the Paint Bucket tool to color the area as per your choice.

  1. Add a new layer.

    You add a new layer in Photoshop and GIMP by simply clicking the icon that resembles a blank sheet of paper. On this new layer add your design elements.

  2. Design your shirt.

    This is the part where you unleash your creativeness. Anything can be added, any element you want to be on your T-shirt. The text tool is used to add text to the shirt in Photoshop or GIMP. There are different program tools such as Paint Bucket which can be used to fill color in the background, text tool for adding text, brush tool to draw, or to add texture. Or something like a marquee tool that can be used to add an image or pattern from another image onto your T-shirt.Roblox shirt design

  • There may be some form of distortion on the R15 avatars, which have curved shapes.
  1. Save the file.

    It is good practice to always save the image in the native format irrespective of the platform you are using, so you can come back and edit it later if needed Following are the steps to save an image in its native format.

Click File.

  • Click Save as.
  • Type a name for the file next to “Filename” or “Name”.
  • Click Save.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you create Roblox shirts for free?

You need a subscription to upload any design of yours.

Can you sell Roblox shirts to others?

Yes, you can sell your designs to others.

How do you make a shirt easy on Roblox?

You can design shirts for Roblox using MS Paint.
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