Books and movies have engulfed us in their beautiful and mesmerizing wolds. One such story is the World of MAgic and sorcery created by the renowned author J. K. Rowling. We all have watched the Harry Potter series from a youthful age! Kids, just as grown-ups, love the film or books of Harry Potter and waited excitedly for their Letter from Hogwarts. The writer of the Harry Potter series, J.K Rowling, has distributed different books, which was and still is well known among us. The story mostly spins around Harry Potter, his wizardly aptitudes, and his companion in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Keep on reading to find out more about the magical world of J. K. Rowling’s books-
About Lord Voldemort aka Tom Morvolo Riddle- The Dark Lord
The character of Lord Voldemort is played by various excellent actors throughout the whole series of 8 movies. In the film, we can see Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger, and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. They are the Golden Trio and the most loved Wizards of all time.
Voldemort killed Harry’s parents!!!
Harry understands that Lord Voldemort wanted to kill him when he was a child. Yet he wound up murdering his parents, Lily Potter and James Potter. This incident left a scar on his brow, a scar in the shape of Geek God Zeus’ Lightning Bolt. Voldemort first showed up in J.K Rowlings Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Be that as it may, in the last part, that is the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
We can see that Harry slaughtered Voldemort to look for vengeance for the passing of his dad. Unmistakably, in this part, we can see that Harry utilizes his wand and executes Voldemort for good.
Will The Dark Lord Return to the Wizarding World?
Yet, in the following film, that is the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. We can see that Voldemort has returned, and now he is into slaughtering Harry’s Child. So does this imply J.K Rowling is giving us a clue that Voldemort will be back?
On observing the trailer, the fans were confounded about whether the Dark Lord Voldemort returning to life in the following part. It likewise conjectured about some new fan hypotheses. In any case, once J.K Rowling heard the word, she referenced that Voldemort is dead, and we won’t be seeing him in any forthcoming parts.
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