Red Dead Redemption 2 had the most hype and was the biggest game of 2018. The vast map, amazing graphics, and beautiful plot was something every player loved. A lot of modding communities took to the game to make it even more fun. It received positive reviews as well, and the fans of the franchise are happy with the game. Rockstar’s efforts in the game are visible from how much they’ve polished it. However, a lot of players tend to find the match a little confusing at times. You also might find there to be lesser content to experience if you’ve already completed the game. Here are some cheat codes that will help you enjoy the game from a fresh perspective.

Infinity cheats: “Red Dead Redemption 2.”
These cheats will help the player obtain infinite stats. Here’s the list:
- Infinite Ammo- Enter “Abundance is the dullest desire”. You will need to have the New Hanover Gazette No. 27 to use this code.
- Infinite Dead Eye- Enter “Be greedy only for foresight”.
- Infinite Stamina- Enter “The lucky be strong evermore”.
Weapon cheats: “Red Dead Redemption 2.”
You can use these cheats to obtain all types of weapons in the game:
- Simple Weapons- The code is “The lucky be strong evermore”. Only provides primary weapons.
- Heavy Weapons- You can use this to add the Pump-action shotgun, Bolt action rifle, Mauser pistol, and Semi-automatic pistol weapons to your inventory. The code is “Greed is American Virtue”. However, you will require the newspaper you get after completing the Chapter 3 mission Advertising, the New American Art.
- Stealth Weapons- Use this to acquire stealth weapons and add them to your inventory. The code is “Death is Silence”.
- Gunslinger Weapons- Adds the Off-hand holster, Double-action revolver, Schofield revolver, Double-barrelled shotgun. Use the code “History is written by fools”.
Player Statistics: “Red Dead Redemption 2”
Use these codes to increase or decrease player stats:
- To increase honour, enter “Virtue Unearned is not virtue”.
- To decrease honour, enter “You revel in your disgrace, I see”.
- If you want to set the health, stamina and Dead Eye bars to full, enter “You flourish before you die”.
- For fortifying all the player stats, enter the code “You Seek More Than The World Offers”. This code requires the player to have the newspaper after completing the Chapter 6 mission The King’s Son.
- Increase the horse bonding by entering, “My kingdom is a horse”.
- You can increase the wanted level by using “You want punishment”.
- To decrease the wanted level, use “You want freedom”.
Miscellaneous: “Red Dead Redemption 2”
This is a list of different codes which cover a variety of areas in-game:
- Reveal the whole map by entering “You Long for Sight but See Nothing”. To execute this, purchase newspaper after completing the Chapter 3 mission Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern.
- Add $500 to your wallet with the use of “Greed is now a virtue”.
- To unlock every outfit, use the cheat “Vanity. All is vanity”.
- For learning every recipe, you can use “Eat of Knowledge”.
- If you want a racehorse, enter “Run! Run! Run!” For a War Horse, type in “You are a beast built for war”.
To use any of these cheats, you must go to Settings first. Once in settings, press Y on Xbox one controller and enter the cheats list.
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