America’s presidential election is approaching, and it’s currently the talk of the town. All the candidates are busy preparing themselves for the day. Also, the parties have announced their candidates, and the campaign has begun. It will be in November. And with the ongoing global pandemic situation, this election is considered very important. The President will be left with significant problems and critics to solve. So the citizens are busy looking for a suitable candidate. Vice President Joe Biden will run this election with a female candidate. Also, he is busy looking for a suitable one. He recently met Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. She is his top priority. So many speculate this is an important meeting. Though no official announcements are out about the conference, we guess the decision is essential. So we have to wait. To know more, continue reading the article.
“America’s 2020 Presidential election”:
This year is an important year for America. They are ready to choose their next President. With Donald Trump’s term ending, the next candidate is prepared to replace the position. Though it is unsure if Trump will continue his time or a new candidate will enter his role, we believe the citizens have decided. Many have begun the campaign for the upcoming election. Due to the ongoing global pandemic situation, the country is under complete lockdown. Also, America tops the list of the most affected persons. The death rate is also very high. Each day America is facing the war. The country is also developing a vaccine to cure the disease. Also, with this issue, there is another main issue. And that’s the presidential election. Since the lockdown has relaxed in certain areas, the campaign has started and is in full fledge.
“Joe Biden will be running for the election”:
Vice President Joe Biden is standing for the election. Earlier in March, he said he would be running with a female candidate. The plan was a great initiative by him. People want him to select a non-white woman. Also, due to the recent incident of George Floyd, discrimination is in height. So people are highly anticipating it. He is interacting with many eligible candidates for the election. Recently he met Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. She indeed tops his priority list. Though the decision is not out, she may be the chosen one. Sources say the meeting details are confidential. But we can expect the result by next week.
“Gretchen Whitmer met Joe Biden”:
On Sunday, Whitmer took a private flight from Lansing’s Capital Region to Delaware Coastal Airport. It is thirty minutes away from Joe Biden’s beach house in Delaware. She and Biden interacted then she left the place. The flight was back late in the evening. So we have to wait to see if Biden chooses her to run for the vice-president. Whitmer works for 14 years in the state legislature of Michigan. She came up with some strict rules and made a good move during the COVID-19 crisis. Biden said Whitmer was always on top of his list. She is a reliable companion and a good competitor.
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