Do you want to enjoy the best possible experience of the “New Vegas” adventure? Then it would be best if you went with the “Mods.” Here’s are all the details regarding ‘mods ‘and the way to download them. So continue reading to get all information regarding ‘Vegas mods.’
Since its release five years back, “Vegas” is still very famous among its players. Time to time, it keeps on upgrading . with the help of mods, you can enjoy the “vegas” in the best possible way.
How To Install “Vegas Mods” –
For installing the ‘civilization six mods, ‘our favorite server “steam workshop” comes handy. You have to subscribe to that mod, and it will install on your computer. You can enable or disable the mod from the “additional content menu” folder.
Also, some of the mods aren’t available on the Steam workshop. Those mods you can download by making a folder -Mods’ in your Civilization 6 user directory:
\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.
Now extract modes to your new mod folder. Then enable them from th “additional content menu” file.
In this process, windows will alert you that you are overwriting files. Then click on yes to it. And it is always advisable to keep the backup of your original data in case you lost anything.
Here are some best “New Vegas Mods”:
New Vegas redesigned mod –
This mod lets the characters define who they are more through their more appealing design. This mod focuses on redesign every NPC to reflect them better . kike if we talk about a veteran doctor, then this mod will give the scars and dusty appearance to the veteran face to resemble it more real.
Wasteland Flora Overhaul mod –
Wasteland flora overhaul mod helps to increase the beauty of the barren and desert-like land. This mod adds different kinds of trees to improve the real feel in the game. But also this mod comes in three levels – Fertile wasteland: consists of more tress, Dead wasteland -balance between dead and living plants, ESP – it is the retexturing of the original trees.
Click here to download the mod.
Electro – city relighting the wasteland –
Well !! one thing strikes the mind in listening to the word vegas, and that is its light. But the original “New vegas “doesn’t provide you with any light bulbs or LEDs, but don’t worry! Here comes this mod. This mod will give you hundreds of street lights, bulbs, and LEDs to make your vegas world enlightening.
Click here to download the mod.
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting mod –
This mod gives you the more realistic feel of “Mojave desert.” with the help of this mod, you can adjust the brightness or intensity of sunlight. IThis mod also adds perfect weather textures to the sky of the desert.
Click here to download the mod.
So these are sone of the best “New Vegas” mods. So choose correctly and enjoy them.
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