Back in 2014, Alien: Isolation was one of the scariest games to come out. Most of the people who played the game had said that the game was panic-inducing and terrifying to play. The game’s constant threat of an Alien hunting you through the vents paralyzed many players. While the game wasn’t anything new, its sci-fi atmosphere sold the deal. The game saw significant success in the horror genre and has a lot of fans. However, there are a lot of people who haven’t played the game only due to the difficulty. If you’re one of them, here are some mods to help you out on the journey to beating the game!
Life Savers: “Alien: Isolation mods.”
A lot of the time, the players will have an encounter with the Alien. In these cases, they mostly have no choice but to run or hide. In later stages of the game, they get some tools to help them attack the Alien. These tools do not harm the Alien but manage to scare it off. However, a lot of players have complained about the weapons often being useless. Hence, this mod will increase their efficiency, and even the Stun Baton will now scare away the Alien.
Flaming Bolt gun: “Alien: Isolation mods.”
Even the fans of the horror genre can appreciate new weaponry in games. Most of the time, mods don’t introduce such stuff in games because they are tough to make. However, this mod brings forth an innovative concept for one of the weapons in the game. It is a mod for the Bolt Gun in the game, which increases its power. The mod adds flame rounds to the gun, and can even add acid rounds if you want. These incendiary bullets will significantly boost your confidence around the Xenomorph. Get the flame mod here and the acid mod here.
Silent Movement: “Alien: Isolation mods.”
One of the worst things to happen in a horror video game is alerting enemies because you accidentally sprinted. Footsteps make these games much harder than they have to be. Even in games like Outlast, your footsteps alerted every nearby psycho in the mental asylum. Similarly, if you run in this game, the Alien will pop out of the vents to chase you. With this mod, players can switch off their footsteps, hence, avoiding the threats altogether. Run around all you want on the spaceship with this mod.
If you’ve enjoyed reading this article, then check out our article about Into the Breach mods.