Several celebrities have already experienced guesting on The Ellen Show. Blake Shelton is one of them, who even guested a couple of times.
Blake Shelton called out Ellen DeGeneres over a gift
The interview dates back to December 2019, when Shelton went on the show to give updates on his life and career. At one point in the interview, DeGeneres mentioned a gift she had given him the last time he appeared on the show — a clock featuring his and Gwen Stefani’s faces. It was supposed to symbolize that time was ticking away and that Shelton and Stefani, who began dating in 2015, needed to get engaged.
“Remember that clock I gave you? To remind you, time is ticking,” DeGeneres asked around the 3:15 mark.
She seemed genuinely shocked when she said, “We haven’t given it to you? Well, that’s not right, why do we need it?”
He then explained that she recycled it for another famous couple. “You took it back because whoever your next guest was, you replaced the picture and did the same crap to them and embarrassed them.”
It is true that Ellen pulled the same trick with Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez And you know what? It worked.
“Now she’s engaged,” Ellen said, laughing.
Anyone want to guess what Ellen’s getting Blake and Gwen for Christmas this year?