We all know the iconic director, Joss Whedon. He has directed many of our favorite films including Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Avengers. Recently, he was interviewed by a popular entertainment magazine and talked about how much he loves Gal Gadot’s portrayal of Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Joss Whedon recently threatened to end Gal Gadot’s career during the filming of Wonder Woman. He stated that she was “too thin” and would need to put on some weight. Also many other things.
Wonder Woman History:
Wonder Woman is an iconic female superhero who has been around since 1941. She was created by William Moulton Marston, and her first appearance in comics was in All-Star Comics #8 (December 1941). Wonder Woman has become a symbol of empowerment for females as she fights for equality and justice.
This year, the Wonder Women film will be released on June 2nd starring Gal Gadot from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015), and the Fast & Furious series.
The story follows Diana Prince’s journey from her home island to London during World War I where she becomes a spy that must stop a chemical weapon from being used against mankind.
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“In the early 1900s, an American psychologist named William Moulton Marston created a character that would come to be known as “Wonder Woman.” He wanted to create a female superhero that was strong, independent, and full of conviction. She would become one of the most iconic figures in comic book history.
Joss Whedon Abusive Behavior:
Gal Gadot has been outspoken about the abusive and unacceptable behavior of Joss Whedon towards her on set. Now, she’s shared that he used to threaten her if she didn’t do as he says. “He would say things like ‘you’ll never work again in this town,'” the actress told a new interview where it is revealed that these threats were made when Justice League was filming back in 2016 with Ray Fisher who had always talked about abuse from him at other castmates; now we know Gal too wasn’t immune to his cruelty either.
Ray Fisher has always talked openly about how unfair and cruel Joss Whedon can be both behind-the-scenes on sets for movies or TV shows but also during awards ceremonies.
Ray Fisher has always talked about the abusive and unacceptable behavior of Whedon towards him and other castmates. Now, Gal Gadot has also opened about Whedon’s behavior on the set of Justice League. The actress told in a new interview that he threatened her to harm her acting career if she didn’t do as he says.
Bad Behavior towards Gadot
Whedon’s treatment of Gadot exemplifies how sexism and misogyny exist in Hollywood. He would threaten her with destroying her career if she didn’t follow his orders or read the lines he wrote; even though they were previously written by a woman, Whedon himself was not willing to cooperate when it came time for him to do so-he only chose an actress who had brown hair as opposed one that is fair-skinned because of this reason.
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Joss Whedon, the director of Avengers and Justice League who was brought on to handle production after Zack Snyder’s departure due to personal reasons, reportedly made changes for his vision to come across. The Hollywood Reporter also reported that he argued with stars like Ben Affleck (Batman), Henry Cavill (Superman), and Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman). That said Fisher questioned these alterations but Joss defended himself by saying “I don’t take notes from anyone.”
When Joss Whedon was brought in to helm the Justice League movie after Zack Snyder had left, there were many changes made. One of those being that Whedon reportedly wanted to make several significant changes and do a rewrite process on the script. However, some stars didn’t seem too keen about it; Fisher questioned these decisions right away but seemed put off by an answer from Whedon who said he doesn’t like taking notes from anybody.
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