Former Fleetwood Mac singer/guitarist Lindsey Buckingham’s big love is over, as his wife Kristen Messner filed for divorce. The couple have three children together and reportedly married in 2000.
The 71-year-old met Messner, 50 years old at the time of their meeting in the 1990s. They became romantically involved when she took his photo for one of his album covers. Buckingham told Las Vegas Review-Journal a decade ago that he was lucky to find love later on in life with someone who shares interests and has always been supportive because they were not looking for each other like normal people would be due to unspoken communications from afar being more powerful than words spoken face-to face over long distances.”
“I had a lot of crazy girlfriends, and a lot of that was just an outgrowth of the lifestyle we were all leading,” the fingerpicker said.
“I did see a lot of friends who were parents and spouses — back in previous decades — who weren’t really there and kind of screwed up their kids and were not there for their family situations. So I waited and I was lucky enough to meet someone relatively late… it’s worked out really well. I got all that other garbage out of the way.”
Word of Buckingham’s broken family chain comes as the musician took to Twitter to promote a new album, “I Don’t Mind,” and his 2021 tour.
“My new self-titled album is one I’ve been intending to get out for a couple of years now, but on more than one occasion, unforeseen circumstances necessitated a postponement of plans,” Buckingham tweeted Tuesday.
“Now that we’re back in gear, I’m thrilled to finally be sharing new music with my listeners!”
There is no shortage of public breakups for Buckingham, who was famously kicked out of the legendary band in 2018. His whirlwind romance with singing partner Stevie Nicks came crashing down during Fleetwood Mac’s rise to fame when they were at their peak in the mid-70s–during which time drugs and infighting had a hand too.
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