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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Overwatch 2 Beta is a complete FAILURE, Worse Than the Original. M Calls Blizzard a “Throwback”

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Around five years ago, Overwatch was the most popular game, and I liked it. The characters were fantastic, the action was fantastic, and there was a tonne of strategy and a meta that was constantly shifting. It’s becoming tiresome now, as fresh characters slow down and new ideas resist. It’s time for a new sequel, but the first impression of Overwatch 2 is that it doesn’t feel like one. She’s on the verge of becoming a demake.

Her new character Sojourns’ primary gimmick is that she can’t slide. That’s exactly it. Her only other identifying qualities are a massive pistol and a drab design, but I can’t believe she was the game’s first new character, because if she’s anything, we’re in serious trouble.

Overwatch 2 isn’t a sequel;

it’s more of a useless expansion, like an 8-inch patch with new characters, maps, and other features, as well as some minor changes to the original roster. This isn’t the entire game; rather, it’s the entire story. So there will most likely be a lot more, but I don’t believe that having the bare bones overwatch was always a good concept. I do not doubt that fans have been clamoring for a single-player mode for years, but Blizzard has never indicated an interest in implementing it.


download from google.

The way Overwatch 2 works is one of the game’s main flaws. Blizzard’s divisive attempt to encourage players to choose tanks and support heroes. In principle, that was a wonderful notion, but it didn’t explain why people who were pushed into more tactical jobs were ineffective because they didn’t comprehend what they were doing.

Overwatch 2 makes it even better by half the amount of tank positions, allowing anybody who wants to play to do so without having to wait an eternity for a run. In 5v5, the emphasis is usually on lone wolf action rather than anyone who wants to play as support since one player will turn around like a lunatic while the other players have no notion of tactics or team play.

Because the average time to kill (TTK) has been continuously decreasing in recent years, Overwatch 2 will further accelerate this trend. That means there’s more for support characters to accomplish, including supporting characters who are equally adept at dealing damage as they are at healing. What are the people who are good at dealing with problems?

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Blizzard tried to make a Call Of Duty clone, and if the characters weren’t so distinct, you’d almost say it was the appropriate place for me, he was just a shooter. The character changes are all designed to increase damage. Several of the characters, particularly Bastion and Orisa, are unbalanced.


The sequel will not be made since it lacks the charm of the original. How long have supporters been disappointed? Instead of reviving Overwatch, the sequel would be better served to put the final nail in the coffin.

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