Trump Tries to Get Around Twitter Ban and Gets Suspended Again
Donald Trump tries to get around the Twitter ban and gets suspended again. This time it is not by his company’s request. Apparently, there was an internal memo that was circulated within the Trump organization. That memo was obtained by CNN and ABC and contained a lot of the same themes as when Trump attempted to get around the original Twitter ban. It seems to be more a pattern rather than the beginning of a concerted effort to circumvent the social media site.
First off, Trump tries to get himself added back into the conversation by sending out links to his business website. Then he goes on to say how horrible everybody is acting and says we need more beauty queens. He doesn’t mention how he plans on running for president in 2021 and doesn’t offer up a clear plan either. This is the same campaign that existed last year and one that he failed in.
Next, he starts sending out tweets about Serena, a woman that he met on Dancing with the Stars. In one of them he claims she has a problem with her voice and wants to fix it. He also mentions how she’s on Celebrity Apprentice and tells how many times she’s been eliminated. Next, he admits that he doesn’t watch the show anymore and tries to explain why and offers up the fact that he might be too busy working on his business to watch it.
The problem here is that if this was the real Serena along with a bunch of her friends she would have deleted her tweets long before this started. And she didn’t even mention the show on her own Twitter page. Trump then makes a pitch to get her followers to support her and put their money behind him. This is when the real fights started and he was called on the carpet by a bunch of his followers. Many of them tried to attack him personally and called him everything under the sun.
Finally, Trump tries to get away with another lie about the deleted tweets. He says one of the tweets said something about Serena moving to New York. This is after he falsely claims she was going to move there months ago. Of course, she deleted the tweet and she has since deleted the whole thing.
It’s pretty clear that President Trump is not the best communicator in the world and he needs some help with his communication skills. Even his daughter, who is the face of his business, doesn’t know what she’s doing much of the time. Hopefully, these lies and liars will finally end for him and get suspended for good.