While Sims 4 is an enjoyable game for passing the time, it isn’t very realistic. EA’s ambitious simulation game offers very little if we compare it to real life. A lot of people feel content with the silly reactions that the sims have to seemingly grave situations. However, a lot of people think that the sims should have a more realistic stimulus to what happens around them. Hence, the modding community has made several mods that cane elevate the realism in Sims 4. We have created a list of mods you should check out to have a better Sims 4 run. Read the article to find out the details.
Increase your best friends: “Sims 4 mods.”
Starting with a mod that is relatively less impactful, but something that you’d do in real life as well. A lot of people find it weird to have to choose a best friend in real life. The selection seems partial and unnatural to us in real life. Similarly, the choice of selecting one sim as a best friend seems weird. This mod lets you choose more than one sim to assign as best friends. It seems apt that this should be a default choice in the game. You can get the mod here.
More exploration: “Sims 4 mods.”
Exploration is fun in all games, whether it’s a simulation or not. In Sims 4, the opportunity for Sims to go out is present but seems limited. Most of the activities we see Sims participating in is usually within the house. While this isn’t necessarily bad, it does dampen the experience of the simulation. To deal with this issue, we have a mod for you. This mod will let the mods go out in the day and explore. They can meet people, learn skills, and improve their stats. It’s an enjoyable mod, and we recommend getting it.
Meaningful Stories: “Sims 4 mods.”
One of the things that most Sim players don’t like about the game is the shallowness of the Sims. This discussion also ties into what we said earlier about unrealistic reactions. Sims would be grieving death one moment and then become happy for no reason. As a result, some mod creators introduced a slice of life to the game. Through this mod, you can make your Sims feel emotions more realistically. They will feel sadness or glee as one might in real life. The mod is perfect for building immersion in the game. You can get the mod here.
If you found this article helpful, check out our article about Stardew Valley mods.