Fire Force is a Japanese anime television series produced by David Production. The series is based on the manga series of the same name. The writer and illustrator of the series are Atsushi Okubo. Yuki Yase, along with Yamato Haijima, directed the series.
Hideyuki Morioka and Music perform the character designing by Suehiro.
It is the dubbed version of the Japanese series Enen no shoutout.
The series has a huge fan following and received hugely positive reviews for the first season. The first season of the series premiered from July 5 to December 27, 2019. The first season they were aired with 24 episodes.
The fans were eagerly waiting for the lunch of the next season. The second season of the series aired on July 3, 2020.
The second season also received many positive reviews, and the fans are expecting much of the series.
Please keep reading to know more about the second season of the series!!
“Fire Force Season 2”: Release Date
The second season of the series aired within a few months of the first season. The second season was aired on July 3, 2020.
The first five episodes of the second season have been launched. The sixth episode of the second season was aired yesterday(August 7).
The eighth episode of the series is planned to be out on August 15.
“Fire Force Season 2”: Cast
The second season got appreciated a lot for its excellent cast, and there was a huge fan following for the series’s cast.
The cast of the series is
- Makoto Casivara
- Aoi Yuki
- Koitsu Tamaki
- Ayaka Asai
- Lisa Isribi
- Chicoiro Kobayashi
- Assault
- Chisoigo Sochiro Hague
- Dyke
- Yasumoto as Haran
- Kenji Nomura as Fly
- Kengo Kawansi as Toru Kaniri
- Kentaro Ito as Scoop
- Teton Kusunoki as Leonard Burns
- Shata Hayami Yota
- Satoshi Hino Fein Lee
- Susumu Chiba Mirage
- Mirage
- Tomona Mao. Reshi
- Dr. as Hoshimia
We can also expect the new arrival of the cast in the upcoming episodes of the second season.
“Fire Force Season 2”: Plot
The second season was the continuation of the first season. The last episode of the season ends with the Shinra convincing Inca to join him.
The research was planned to be conducted outside Japan on the Chinese peninsula. The next episode is expected to be the continuation from here with an interesting story plot.
We can also expect new twists and turns in the seventh episode. However, we have to wait for a few days for its release and to know more about the event.
“Fire Force Season 2”: Storyline
The second season was a continuation of the previous season as the first six episodes were that so.
The first season of the series was all about Shinra Kusakabe. He is being named a nickname Devil’s Footprints as he can ignite his feet. Due to his power, he joins the Special Free Force company. The company includes several flame users, and they all work as a team to extinguish infernals.
And the second season’s first four episodes were the continuation of it, and we can expect the same from the fifth episode too.
However, we have to wait for the release of the fifth episode and watch the story.
“Fire Force Season 2”: Trailer
Here is the trailer of the second season of Fire Force. Enjoy watching!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Also, please read my other article Dying Light 2; its release date, characters, and other details.