“Red dead redemption 2”: All the PS4 cheats for Red dead redemption 2! Click to know more!


Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats being present in the game shouldn’t be a big surprise – the first of Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption games had them, as had the Grand Theft Auto series. The place to enter Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats is a little hidden.


How to enter cheat codes in Red Dead Redemption 2

To enter cheats into Red Dead Redemption 2, pause the game, then access Settings. Next, press Triangle (or Y on Xbox), as suggested in the bottom right corner. You’ll then come to a long Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats list. They will all be locked, and by entering codes, you can have them become available. Press Triangle (or Y on Xbox) to do this.

Now, any cheats that have been already unlocked will be available to toggle on and off, meaning you only have to enter each cheat once to access it whenever you like. Of course, as soon as you enable it, you’ll get a warning – activating a cheat means you cannot save your single-player progress, or collect Trophies or Achievements. In short – anything you do from then on won’t count.

Red Dead 2 cheats activated will disable the ability to unlock Achievements or Trophies for the duration of that playthrough. The good news is it won’t let you save your progress, so it allows you to fully let your hair down before you get back to the adventure.

Most people will have probably come across a cheat code in Red Dead Redemption 2 without actually knowing it. Many are found at random, scrawled into ice, or etched into a cabinet in a lonesome shack.

However, there is actually one guaranteed way of finding cheat codes: buying newspapers. Head to Valentine, Saint-Denis, and Blackwater and pick up the New Hanover Gazette, Saint-Denis Times, and Blackwater Ledger respectively from the newspaper seller in town. Certain newspapers will only be available after clearing particular flashpoints in the story, and a number of cheats are actually locked off depending on your progress, so to get the best experience, you probably want to finish the campaign first.

How to unlock cheats with newspapers in Red Dead Redemption 2

As mentioned above, there are certain requirements in the form of Newspapers, which are sold at vendors in settlements. You need to own the corresponding Newspaper in order to unlock the cheat, which is printed at the bottom if you flip it over.

If you try to enter these types of cheats ahead of time, the game will give you an error message saying ‘You do not meet the prerequisites to unlocking this cheat’.


Cheat code list of Red Dead Redemption

When entering these cheat codes, capitalization isn’t important – but punctuation is required as written for the codes to work. Most can be entered at any point, but a few require that you purchase the Newspaper containing them first, and we’ve marked these in italics along with the point in the story the relevant paper becomes available.

Here are some of the top cheat codes of Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Abundance is the dullest desire.
  • A simple life, a beautiful death
  • Greed is an American virtue.
  • Death is silence
  • Fools write history
  • You long for sight and see nothing.
  • Greed is now a virtue.
  • Vanity, All is Vanity
  • Eat of knowledge
  • Share
  • Virtue unearned is not a virtue.
  • You reveal in your disgrace, I see


Here is the video of cheat codes of Red Dead Redemption 2


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