Have you found suspicious activity on your computer? Do you have a doubt how you say that someone is a snooping on your PC? Precaution should be taken by you to avoid someone’s activity on your computer. Whenever anyone snooped they left some traces behind it from which you can trace the evidence.
Snooping is hard to find but if you know from where to start then it automatically reduced time to find the culprits. Here are a few steps you can take if someone logged on your device and you want to find who was it? You can use these following methods to reach the culprit!
Recent Activities
You can check the recent activity on your computer. I will help you to find if someone else using and snooping on your computer or not? This feature is also helpful and finding someone other than you accessing your files and media on your computer. After clicking on the “Quick Access” you can see what’s been open.
Recent Modified Files
This is possible that someone who is the culprit may erase the recent activity from your computer. In this case just tap on the Quick access>options>clear file explorer activity. If you find the recent activity deleted then it means someone used your PC. If you go in the date modified in file explorer then you can know the date range also.
Browser History
Browser history can be deleted we all know that but if someone is snooping then it is all clear that they don’t have much time to wait and clear the browsing history before leaving. For that just tap on the “Vertical Ellipsis” in the top right and then on the history and here you can see e is anything changed or modified by someone else other than you.
Check Log On Events Of Windows 10
To get further evidence if someone is snooping your PC or not and to check this you have to look for the evidence even deeper then checking browsing history and recent activities. The above-mentioned things are the methods which are more commonly used but this method is used for looking evidences deeply. In this case, you can automatically audit login events because all the login information including time and date are saved and noted in your device. For more information about the snooping and latest updates stay tuned with us.
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