In the 21st century, it is not new for us to address a problem like how to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer, though it is quite difficult to solve it without a computer. Let us see some of the possible ways to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
But, before moving further, we should make sure that whether there is a possible way to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
1. Is there a way to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer?
Though it is a tedious task without a computer, yes, there are ways to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
We all know that, in the internal storage of our android mobile, there will be a combination of memory bits of messages, which gets occupied to make a room for new data, when we delete certain text messages.
Though the memory bits will be scattered and are not in order if we try to put to memory bits together,
we’ll get a chance to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
But, here the main problem is that, when you install a new application or start a new conversation, there is a chance of the memory bits getting deleted forever.
This happens due to the problem which arises when you try to install a new application or start a new conversation as soon as you deleted those certain messages.
Thus, you have to make sure that you have to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer as soon as you delete those messages or before you plan to do anything else on your android mobile.
2. GT file recovery application – a simple way to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer
GT File recovery application will help you to keep a backup of all your files, including text messages, photos, documents, etcetera.
The size of the GT recovery application(version 2.3.4) is about only 5 – 6 megabytes. But the main problem to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer is that, when you download this application after deleting the messages, there is a risk of the deleted messages getting erased permanently.
Thus, make sure to install this app before you delete any text messages or try to select a version that is of small size. Do follow the given steps if you want to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer :
1. Install GT recovery application from a trusted website. If you want to download this application, click here.
2. After installing, select the option given as “Recover SMS”.
3. After that, take a full scan of your android mobile.
4. At last, retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
If you are not comfortable with GT recovery to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer, check the following articles :
Android Message Recovery – How to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages on Android
LG Data Recovery – How to Recover Deleted Data from LG Phones?
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As the design of the android mobile doesn’t have the feature of an automatic backup and recovery feature, which is a built-in feature in other devices, to sync all your files and data to your google account, the backup feature always ignores the normal text messages.
But there are ways to overcome these problems, with the help of some applications like SMS Backup and Restore, SMS backup + to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
But, many android users desire to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer and without paying for the recovery process, which can lead you to some problems like leakage of your personal data, hacking of mobile, etc.,
Though I have summed up some of the ways to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer, these ways have their own limitations. Thus, it will be much more safe and reliable if you seek a professional android tool to retrieve deleted text messages.
We all are aware that text messages play a vital role in our lives. We used to send text messages through our android mobile’s default message service application when we are not able to attend some calls as we will be in the mid of an important meeting, we used to share our bank details, addresses, to do our shopping or anything else.
Thus, it is important to keep some of those important messages safe and secured.
To know more about how to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer, take a look here. This article might be helpful for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I recover deleted text messages on android?
Text messages are so difficult to recover that there’s no recycling bin for this kind of data. As soon as you delete a text, your phone’s operating system marks it as deleted. The text isn’t actually deleted, though — the text is marked as eligible to be overwritten with new data.
To know more about it, Refer to this article.
2. How can I get back my deleted messages?
- Open Google Drive.
- Go to the Menu.
- Choose Settings.
- Choose Google Backup.
- If your device has been backed up, you should see the name of your device listed.
- Select the name of your device. You should see SMS Text Messages with a timestamp indicating when the last backup took place.
To know more about it, refer to this article. This can be helpful for you to find the answer to the question of how to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
3. Why did my phone deleted all my messages on android?
Why do my text messages disappear on Android? There several reasons that may cause the issue. It can be an accidental deletion or loss, recent app updates that affect your text messages, the date and time setting in your phone is not updated, the Android system or app version that needs an update, and many others.
To know more about it, refer to this article.
I hope you have found some useful ways to retrieve deleted text messages on android without a computer.
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