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Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 fix : A Layman’s Guide to the one of the most searched about Netflix error

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Netflix serves as one of the major entertainment providers in the 21st century. Tons of movies and series are just one click away and thanks to Netflix for that. Sometimes Netflix runs into an annoying problem that comes with an error code UI-800-3. Now problems can be taken care of only when you know what are the problems and their cause. Computer programs are not perfect and flawless all the time. We will keep on experiencing bugs and errors as the technology updates itself into a newer and more advanced version. And to solve this error in Netflix first we need to know what UI-800-3 is.

What is Netflix Error Code UI-800-3?

Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 denotes a Netflix problem related to caching. This problem is faced by the users during their usage. Netflix stores its cache data and this stored data sometimes get corrupted which gives raise such errors.

What causes Netflix Error Code UI-800-3?

  • Cache data
  • Server-side bug

Now whenever we watch any kind of show on Netflix or even just run the app, it stores cache. Now this cache is used to start the app and helps you to have an uninterrupted experience. But the problem arises when this cached data is corrupted.

Now when the system starts to access this cache it is corrupted. Thus instead of running smoothly, the system starts showing errors.  Now, this is the error we see on the screen with the code UI-800-3.

On the other hand, this error also occurs during the signing-in process. This is known as the server-side bug. To utter despair, this can’t be fixed by us and we have to submit a complaint to Netflix to handle situations like this because they are the ones who can solve it.

How to solve this issue?

How to solve this issue?

  • Well, the first solution is a layman’s work that is to restart the service. Well, it may seem unusual that how restarting the system can fix the bug but there is a possibility of the app trying to fetch the data may go wrong sometimes and UI-800-3 be displayed. Now by restarting the system the app will again try to fetch the data and this time it will occur smoothly. However, this might not give fruitful results every time and for everyone. So to solve these let’s follow some quick and simple steps.
Unplug the device
Disconnect from power

Sign out and Reset the settings of Netflix:

Sometimes logging out of Netflix can also help in this kind of problem. All you need to do is go to the Netflix Account section. You can also click on Profile Icon and click on Account. Now you need to scroll down and under Settings then click on the Sign out Of All Devices option.

This process enables deletion of previously cached data and after new sign in new records are stored and thus the problem is solved.

Netflix Sign Out
Netflix Sign Out

Clearing the Cached Data from the device:

Some devices have an automatic cache deletion function while some need to be done manually to avoid seeing an error. Following are the steps to clear the cache on Amazon Fire TV Device.

  • Access the menu using the home button on the given remote.
  • Then go to Fire TV Settings.
  • Under that, you will find Applications.
Fire TV applications
Fire TV applications
  • Access Manage Installed Applications
Manage Installed Apps
Manage Installed Apps
  • Open that.
  • Select Netflix.
  • Click Force Stop
  • Now clear cached data.
  • Another new window will open up with the option Clear Data.
  • Now Clear Cache.

Now this will sign you out of every device you are logged in to. Again insert all the login credentials and your problem is fixed.

For ROKU Devices, the steps are a bit different than the Amazon Fire TV device. The steps are as follows:

  • Make sure that Home is selected on your device.
  • Now press Home 5 times on the remote.
  • Then press the Up Arrow
  • Now click Fast Rewind Arrow
  • Then the Fast Forward button twice.
Netflix Error Code UI-800-3
Roku Remote

Now, wait for one minute to restart the device. This will clear the cached files from your ROKU device. Now you can peacefully log in to your account back and enjoy your favorite shows without any hassle.

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Reinstalling the app:

If you are still reading this article that means the above-mentioned have not served you the purpose. So there is another way of doing it. Just go into Manage Installed Apps find Netflix and uninstall it. After uninstalling the app, reinstall the app and put in the login credentials. Reinstalling the app again will put the correct root files and folders. If you are accustomed to the use of VPN then sometimes using VPN for Netflix can also help get rid of the Error code  UI-800-3.

Netflix Error Code UI-800-3
Netflix uninstall

Final Thoughts:

Solving UI-800-3 error in Netflix is a really easy job. By following these techniques you’ll be able to get rid of the Netflix UI-800-3 error very efficiently.

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How do I fix Error Code UI-800-3?

Netflix Error Code UI-800-3 can be easily resolved by following three methods as it has been discussed in this article.

A. Resetting the Netflix App.

B. Restarting the device.

C. Resigning in the app.

2. Why is my Netflix showing Error Code UI-800-3?

Some problems have happened in the system that is why it is showing the code Ui-800-3. Some problems while reading the stored cached data by the system has given rise to the problem. Sometimes it may be a side server problem too.

  1. What does the Code UI-800-3 mean for Netflix?

This particular stand for the meaning that the stored data is not useful or has been corrupted. At first, you need to remove it before accessing the app. Procedures for removing cached data have been discussed in this article.

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