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What allegations were put up on Knabenbauer by his wife? What happened afterwards?

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The well-known gaming YouTuber, Jared ‘ProJared’ Knabenbauer charged with forcing underage fans to send their nude photos to him. 

But this is not the only Allegation put on Knabenbauer. His wife accused him of cheating in a long twitter thread. 

Here is what we know about the ProJared controversy! 

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Who is ‘Projared’ Knabenbauer? 

If you aren’t aware of who is Knabenbauer, then let me first tell you about him before proceeding further about the controversy detail. 

Jared Knabenauer, popularly known as ProJared is a prominent gaming YouTuber. He reviews gadgets and video games. He started his youtube channel in 2013 and has more than one million subscribers now. 

The YouTuber is married to well-known cosplayer Heidi O’Ferrell. She accused him of cheating last year on May 9. 

YouTuber ProJared accused of soliciting sexually explicit photos ...

The Allegations on him for sending nudes

The first Allegation on Knabenbauer was that he exchanged nudes with two of his underage fans. 

One individual name, Chai told that the YouTuber requested nude photos and spoke dirty to him even though he knows that Chai was only 16 years old that time. 

Another individual, Charlie posted a lengthy Twitter thread where he described his experience with ProJared while he was underage. 

However, after three months of accused, he made a 42 minutes video titled “You’ve been lied to” to acknowledged that he did exchange nude pictures, although he always made it clear that they were for consenting adults only. 

He agreed to share the photos after couples of fans asked to provide “A safe place for people who wished to express themselves in that way”. ProJared emphasises that he never explicitly targeted or insisted on anyone. 

The Allegation on him for cheating on his wife

Last year on May 9, Knabenbauer wife’s, Heidi accused him of cheating in a long twitter thread. 

She even charged him for sending and receiving nudes from his fans via snap chat and Tumblr account. Heidi claimed that the Tumblr page is “Positive Body space for consenting adults” however it escalated beyond that. She even said in her lengthy twitter thread that Jared had financial and social control over her and she felt powerless by comparison.

His wife even disclosed that her husband brutally betrayed her by having an affair with a fellow cosplayer, Holly Conrad. 

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What Happened to the YouTuber’s account? 

After these allegations were charged on Knabenbauer, Many of the communities started distancing from the once-beloved personality. Game Grumps, a famous creator collective, deleted the past videos where Knabenbauer appeared. The YouTuber lost approx 30,000 subscribers in a day when he was accused. 


That’s all for the day! STAY TUNED with us.

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