“League of Legends”: New Cyberpunk skins and Champion tweaks included in the LoL patch 10.18!
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With the patch 10.17 passed over, and Riots return for a disconnect, recharge, and reboot, which was a week away. The 10.18 patch notes...
“Sindel”: Know more about the abilities, characteristics, and powers of the Edinia residing Mortal Kombat character!
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Making her debut in 'Mortal Kombat 3,' Sindel is a fighting character of a game series, who later made her return as a DLC...
“Minecraft Stonecutter”: Get to know more about the Minecraft stonecutter, from it’s ingredients to usage!
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The Stonecutter, in Minecraft, is made use of for the crafting of blocks which relates to stones. It helps cut it into tinier and...
“World of Warcraft Classic”: Classic WoW gains a lot of success on Reddit and Twitch! Click here to know more!
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Reddit and Twitch started gaining visible stats on the popularity of the game, Classic Wow, a week after its release. It is a fifteen-year-old...
“World War Z 2”: The sequel to the Brad Pitt starring Zombie apocalypse movie is cancelled? Click to know Release date, Cast, Plot and...
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'World War Z 2' is the Brad Pitt starring, most eagerly awaited movie coming under the zombie apocalypse genre. This movie is the only...
“The Kissing Booth 2”: Did Noah and Elle break up in ‘Kissing Booth 2’? Click to know Release Date, Plot, Cast and more!
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Teen dramas are very eminent these days because of its mix of high school or college life, romance, action, friendships, and more. There are...
“Minecraft”: Here’s how you can use Minecraft smoker’s in various ways!
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A block, the usage for which is to cook food items is known as a smoker. A smoker is supposed to be the same...
“Monster Hunter: World”: Fifth-generation Elder Dragon, Nergigante’s Physique, Abilities,Plot and Behaviour!
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First introduced in the 'Monster Hunter: World,' Nergigante is an elder dragon of the fifth generation of its kind. This vicious dragon makes an...
“Harry Potter Film Series”: Is famous author J.K. Rowling coming back with another story, where Voldemort is still alive?
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Based on the famous novels by the author, J.K. Rowling, ‘Harry Potter’ is a British, as well as an American film series, who’s distributor,...
“Top Gun: Maverick”: When is this sequel to the 1980s movie, starring Tom Cruise going to release? Click to know the Release date, Cast,...
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It all started back in the year 1986 when Tom Cruise’s ‘Top Gun’ hit the theatres, taking peoples breath away. The fantastic stunts involving...
“Grand Theft Auto San Andreas”: All available cheats for the PC version of “GTA San Andreas”!!
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This article has all the 'Grand Theft Auto San Andreas' cheats for your PC. The list of 'Grand Theft Auto SaTn Andreas' cheats found...
“Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled”: The cheat codes for the game on PlayStation 4 is OUT!
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'Crash Team Racing' is back along with a bunch of cheat codes on PlayStation 4. If you have a good memory, then you will...